Reflections for the intervention of social work in the formal educational system.
Social Work, education, educational communitiesAbstract
The objective of the article is to reflect on the role of Social Work in the formal educational system in Spain. Based on a methodology based on the bibliographic and legislative analysis it has been observed that the presence of Social Work has been diluted into generic profiles shared with other professions that obscure the objectives of Social Work in this area. This makes it clear that our professional weight in the educational system has been decreasing since the 90s of last century. We consider that reinforcing our presence and professional role is key both for the future of the profession and for the achievement of students’ rights, as well as being able to support the rest of the agents in the educational communities (families, teachers, other professionals, etc.). Finally, an intervention proposal is presented that combines the three levels of classic intervention in Social Work with the different levels of prevention, opting for an appropriate role within the educational communities of the Spanish educational system.
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