Shall we open an NGO? An approach to social intervention in contexts of prostitution in Spain.
prostitution, sex work, social intervention, social organizationsAbstract
Prostitution is a reality that has been the focus of social intervention since the origins of professions such as Social Work. This paper explores social intervention in Spain by exploring the organizations that offer different services to people in prostitution and human trafficking for the purpose of social exploitation. The main results show that there is a great heterogeneity in the intervention, identifying the existence of 37 different social organizations. In spite of this, the map of organizations and the information on the websites of each of them show that there are different perspectives on prostitution and different forms of intervention. There are territories where there is an absence of services and others where there is duplication despite the current investment of resources through the current Plan Camino by the central government, which indicates a possible lack of coordination. In conclusion, we identified the need for greater evaluation of the work being carried out, better coordination between territories and organizations, greater consideration of the collectives of people in prostitution and an intervention by the State that takes into account the different positions.
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