Revisión teórica sobre la relación entre variables psicológicas, neuropsicológicas y pedagógicas en el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje con niños y jóvenes entre los 9 y los 14 años
academic achievement, working memory, motivation, learning strategies, teacher personality, child-youth populationAbstract
Objective: The purpose of this review article is to analyse the empirical evidence from previous research works not only the relationship, but also to know the how is it between variables such as teacher personality, learning strategies (cognitive and meta cognitive), motivation and working memory with the academic performance in children between the ages of 9 and 14 years. Methodology: A documentary review was made in many databases. It was considered as an inclusion criteria that each investigation established relationships or explanations between previously variables. Results: It was found that teacher personality could mediate the student’s extrinsic motivation, this is very important not only for setting goals according to expected academic results, but also responsible for choosing cognitive learning strategies (repetition, elaboration and organization) and meta cognitive (critical thinking and self-regulation) for maximizing resources in working memory and obtain a better academic performance. Conclusions: Due to the relationship can be found in the scientific literature in a fragmented way between the variables previously with academic performance, there is a need to validate factors from neuropsychology, psychology and pedagogy could be related for improvement of teaching and learning processes.
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