Metodologías activas y diseño universal para el aprendizaje
Influencia de las pautas DUA en el diseño de tareas, actividades y/o ejercicios de aula
methodology, accessibility, UDL, participation, progress, inclusionAbstract
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a model that, based on the results of educational practice and research, learning theories, technologies and advances in neuroscience, combines an inclusive view and approach to teaching with proposals for its application in practice1. The universal design for learning (UDL) is not a methodology. This article begins with this statement, in which it will try to address how the change of perspective proposed by UDL can affect the implementation of all kinds of methodologies so that a space for participation is generated for all students. It attempts to focus on how the different guidelines and verification points of the UDL become an effective help guide for teachers in making decisions about the implementation of universal strategies, in the different active methodologies that are desired. use, to generate learning sequences where participation and progress for all is possible.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Antonio Márquez Ordoñez; José Blas García Pérez

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