Photography and everyday life as a construction of contemporary image and time. Reflection in contemporary art


  • Silvia Martí Marí Universidad de Zaragoza



photography, everyday life, time, image, construction, reality


Everyday life and photography are, respectively, a new philosophical concept, for a new tempo- spatial state from Modernity, and a new technology, for a new representation / construction of reality. The strategies and changing formats in photography, reflect changes and social evolutions that, in turn, involve conceptualizations and parallel philosophical modes. The history of everyday life and that of photography / image follow paths intermingled as the culture that we live becomes more and more marked by the visual. Theorizations about everyday life (about time in the present) have gone hand in hand with artistic theorizations about image. The artistic productions reflect and at the same time illustrate this connection. We will base ourselves on the ideas of some authors like Benjamin, Lefebvre, Debord, Baudrillard, Boris Groys or Hito Steyerl, among others.

Author Biography

Silvia Martí Marí, Universidad de Zaragoza

Profesora CDOC

Grado de Bellas Artes


Universidad de Zaragoza


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