Regarding the permeability of film theory: A reflection on <i> correlations </i> within the framework of the Soviet classical school




soviet cinema, editing, formalism, cinema theory, interval, correlation, metaphor, Eisenstein, atraction


Within the intense theoretical scene that unfolds in the post-revolutionary Soviet context, with the objective of exploring and deconstructing the gears which articulates any creative work, a cinematographic expression will build a privileged platform where the reflective domains cite literary theory and musicology, among others.

Thus, in the core of the early theorizing tradition emanating substantially from the editing practice, a passionate speculative dialogue about rhythms, metaphors and intervals is summoned. The article reveals an integrating perspective, the intimate connections that are woven within.

Author Biography

Juan José Caballero Molina, Universitat de Barcelona

Dept. Filologia Hispànica, Teoria de la Literatura i Comunicació


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