Mapping of sexist violence in Valencia (Spain)


  • Amparo Alonso Sanz



This article examines the ways in which issues of women’s safety in public spacesmight be integrated into artistic practices in art education from an intersectional and queer review of gender in the city. It considers the contributions from human geography, feminism and affect theory, trying to incorporate all of those perspectives into a pedagogical proposal. The first part of the article introduces the main issues to be explored, acknowledging them in the context of recent public debates in Spain that were related to gender and urban safety. The second part presents the results of a participatory, ephemeral, vindictive and artistic action developed with students of amaster’s degree in Secondary Education Teaching in the specialty of visual arts at theUniversity of Valencia: An action of mapping the sexist violence in Valencia. Lastly, the article concludes with the presentation of emotional and educational profits gained by used practices.


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