Transversalization of equality, gender equity and interculturality. National Corpo-ration for Indigenous Development
interseccional perspective, racism, woman´s struggles, mapucheAbstract
Within the framework of the study "Yafvluwaiñ Healing from memories. Strengthening the rights and empowerment of Mapuche women, communes of Lonquimay and Saavedra, La Araucanía Region", the objective of which was: Evaluate the current programmes of CONADI, around the mainstreaming of gender equality and equity approaches, and in proposing improvements in the process, especially on the issues of violence, gender, interculturality and human rights, implemented in the year 2023, we set out to critically analyse the mainstreaming of gender equality and equity and interculturality in the National Corporation for Indigenous Development (hereinafter CONADI) and the South Sub-Directorate, in the period 2013-2023. Using an interpretative paradigm with a qualitative approach, the study was conducted from July to November 2023. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals in charge of different programmes and units. The results expose colonial continuity, patriarchy and political tensions.
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