The computer will do it: testing PYTHON and ARCMAP in the ITINERARIUM MARITIMUM


  • Núria Garcia Casacuberta University of Southampton


Python, ArcMap, Itinerarium Maritimum, maps, Latin texts


In this paper I would like to present some code to have the computer generate maps from texts. My test-case is a passage in the Itinerarium Maritimum. First of all, place names in the text will be identified. From there, some Python code will locate the coordinates by double-checking the place names with a reference document downloaded from the Pleiades Gazeteer. The data extracted will then be saved in a .txt file and inserted into mapping software, in this case ArcMap, in order to generate the cartographical image.



How to Cite

Garcia Casacuberta, N. “The Computer Will Do It: Testing PYTHON and ARCMAP in the ITINERARIUM MARITIMUM”. Anuari De Filologia. Antiqua Et Mediaeualia, no. 8, Dec. 2018, pp. 352-60,