On the Scale of Grey in Brazilian Crime Fiction


  • Alva Martínez Teixeiro Universidade de Lisboa
  • Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro Universidade da Coruña



Palabras clave:

crime fiction, hardboiled, detective fiction, contemporary Brazilian literature


In this essay, the intention is to map the plurality of crime writing —that is detective, mystery or crime fiction— which has appeared in Brazil over the last quarter of a century. Working from reflections which have already been published as well as specific reading choices, a “biased” corpus of reference has been established. It incorporates the spectrum of this unique grisaille fiction, with regard to the conventional parameters of the genre, in both the more orthodox works and the more unorthodox works, favouring those that examine the issues of human social concerns.

Cómo citar

Martínez Teixeiro, A., & Martínez Pereiro, C. P. (2014). On the Scale of Grey in Brazilian Crime Fiction. Abriu: Estudios De Textualidad De Brasil, Galicia Y Portugal, (3), 29–49. https://doi.org/10.1344/abriu2014.3.2