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Author Guidelines

The articles follow a similar structure that should include the following sections:

1. Presentation

2. Current panorama

3. Studies and research

4. Dissemination and dissemination

5. Publications

6. Trends

7. Bibliography (all material will be included here, including those that are not commented on and only cited. We recommend that there be no more than 10 references)

Style Guidelines:

Authors must follow the Criteria of the Llibre d'estil de la Universitat de Barcelona:

The publication language of the Anuari is Catalan.

Bibliography guidelines:

Complete bibliographic references must appear together at the end of the text, entered by the word "Bibliography" and sorted alphabetically by the surname of the first author or the first element of the reference and the year of publication. References must be made in accordance with the Catalan adaptation of the ISO 690 and ISO 690-2 standards, prepared by Assumpció Estivill and Cristóbal Urbano.

Monograph reference example:

Pattie, Ling-yuh W .; Cox, Bonnie Jean (eds.) (1996). Electronic resources: selection and bibliographic control. New York: Haworth Press.

Journal Article Reference Example:

Larsgaard, Mary Lynette (1996). "Spatial data in digital format in university libraries: 'another format and enough?'". Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, núm. 18 (gen.–juny), p. 75–82.

Willet, Perry (1996). "The Victorian Women Writers Project: the library as a creator and publisher of electronic texts". The public-access computer systems review, vol. 7, no. 6. <>. [Accessed: 03/01/2008].

Example of contribution reference in a monograph:

Hirons, Jean (2002). "AACR2 and seriality". In: Jones, Wayne; Ahronheim, Judith R .; Crawford, Josephine (eds.). Cataloging the web: metadata, AARC, and MARC 21. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, p. 31–34.

Electronic resource reference example:

The European Library (2005). <>. [Accessed: 05/10/2009].

The consultation date must be enclosed in square brackets, preceded by the word "Consultation", a colon and a space. It must be indicated in full numerical form, separated by slashes: 00/00/0000.

Photo guidelines:

Please note that copyrighted photographs may be book covers or web page images. If you want to illustrate with another image make sure they are royalty free.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.