



Once again we are pleased to present a new volume of the Anuari de Biblioteques, Llibres i Lectura. This sixth edition offers a significant change with respect to the previous ones, because the closure of the Library, Books and Reading Observatory and our recent affiliation to the Research Centre for Information, Communication and Culture (Centre de Recerca en Informació, Comunicació i Cultura, CRICC) has led to a change in the title of the publication, although this has not entailed any major changes in subject matter. Like its predecessors, this edition of the Anuari aims to record the most significant developments over the past two years, and to give an idea of the current situation in our three areas of specialization: libraries, books, and reading.


True to our desire to offer a broad vision, in this issue we have found room for several articles that could not be published in the previous edition. These articles bring us up to date with the latest events in specialist libraries in our country. As in the case of university libraries, these papers analyse the measures taken and the projects launched over the last four years.

