The current state of books for children and young adults in Catalonia (2018-2019): After Bologna... Life goes on


  • Joan Portell Rifà



In 2018 and 2019 narrative and documentary picture books for children proved very popular, though written texts for children, and especially for preadolescents, did not reach a wide readership. Reading among young children seems to be well consolidated: the network of specialist bookshops, the series of festivals and fairs promoting children's books, the countless exhibitions and activities organized by libraries are clear indicators of a sector in good health. Unfortunately, this situation does not extend to pre-adolescent and adolescent readers. There is a significant drop in the quantity and quality of books aimed at this age group, a group which has been neglected for years but is now slowly arousing interest. In fact, many of the efforts to promote reading seem to be tilting at windmills, considering the reluctance to invest in school libraries and the continuing refusal to grant 2% of the budget of the Generalitat de Catalunya to culture.

Author Biography

Joan Portell Rifà

Pedagog, escriptor i crític literari


