Newspapers and magazines: editorial andaudience overview in Catalonia (2018-2022)




The article provides an overview of the periodical publications published or distributed in Catalonia during the period 2018-2022, presenting data on the readership and diffusion of the main daily and non-daily information media, both printed and digital. We discuss the effects of COVID-19 on the sector, list the newspapers that have appeared or disappeared during these five years, and report the main subsidies that the press has received, as well as the presence of institutional advertising. We examine the most significant developments in the sector, such as changes in the management of the main newspapers, dissemination campaigns, and awards. Finally, we mention two key factors involved in the crisis of the printed press: the fall in the number of points of sale, especially newsagents’ shops, and the increase in the price of paper.


2024-03-19 — Updated on 2024-03-22
