Libraries, publishing houses and bookshops (2020-2022): crisis and new challenges


  • Francesc Xavier González Cuadra Cap de Secció de Gestió de la Col·lecció Servei de Biblioteques del Departament de Cultura, Generalitat de Catalunya



Libraries, Catalan public libraries, Publishers, Book trade, Publishing industry


The period between 2020 and 2022 has been an exceptional time for libraries, publishers and bookshops, for the book ecosystem as a whole, and for the world of culture. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was universal, and was particularly strong in the field of information, culture and knowledge.
The new trends in cultural access and consumption that were already visible in 2018 and 2019 expanded exponentially over the following three years. Digital libraries, open access, the social consolidation of virtual reading and, now, artificial intelligence have ceased to be pipedreams and have established themselves as new paradigms of everyday life in the library sector and in the relations of this sector with other agents of culture and knowledge. The gradual return to normality after the pandemic is posing new challenges for libraries as they attempt to respond to the changing needs of society and adapt their traditional roles.

