Reading among children and adolescents in Catalonia (2020-2021)


  • Pol Asensio Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat / Biblioteca infantil i juvenil
  • Marta Roig IBBYcat / Consell Català del Llibre Infantil i Juvenil / Literatura infantil



Reading skills, Children's and young people's reading, Reading promotion plans


This chapter includes the plans, projects and activities for the promotion of reading among children and young people implemented in 2020 and 2021. The effects and evolution of these plans, and the policies behind them, are analysed, as well as the results of tests of the basic skills our students need to be able to gain access to reading. The chapter also reviews the new publications, the areas of research that are being pursued in the academic world and the extensive range of training on offer, especially in virtual format, which emerged over the course of the two years covered by the report. Finally, the chapter mentions certain projects designed to promote and disseminate literature for children and young people.


2024-12-17 — Updated on 2024-12-17
