On the Upper Ordovician unconformity in the Pyrenees: New evidence from the La Cerdanya area
Upper Ordovician, Angular unconformity, Variscan, PyreneesAbstract
In recent years, contradictory reports about whether or not an unconformity exists at the base of the Upper Ordovician succession of the Pyrenees have been made. In the Cerdanya area (Central Pyrenees), good outcrop evidence for this unconformity is displayed at the base of the Rabassa conglomerates. In this area, the Upper Ordovician rocks overlie a tilted Cambro-Ordovician sequence, displaying an angular unconformity and indicating a break in the stratigraphic series. Moreover, the existence of such an unconformity is supported by the distribution of Variscan minor structures, suggesting that the Cambro-Ordovician and the Upper Ordovician strata initially had different orientations before the main Variscan folding.
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