Ordovician conodonts of the Devendeus Formation at the Angosto de La Quesera (Cordillera Oriental of Salta, Argentina): Taxonomic considerations and biostratigraphic significance
Ordovician, Conodonts, Devendeus Formation, Northwestern ArgentinaAbstract
Conodonts recovered from the Devendeus Formation at the Angosto de La Quesera locality (Cordillera Oriental of Salta) in northwestern Argentina include Nogamiconus sp., Problematoconites perforatus, Drepanoistodus sp., Oneotodus sp., Scolopodus filosus, Teridontus nakamurai and Variabiloconus sp., as a part of an association that defines a pre-Paltodus deltifer Zone. The material most likely represents the Cordylodus angulatus and/or the lower part of the Rossodus manitouensis Zone. These microfossils support the dating of the Devendeus Formation as Tremadocian (Early Ordovician).
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