Foreword: The Ediacaran-early Palaeozoic Cadomian zircon province fringing Northwest Gondwana


  • J. Javier Álvaro
  • Martim Chichorro
  • Gabriel Gutierrez-Alonso




Chichorro, M., Solá, A.R., Bento dos Santos, T.M., Lains Amaral, L.L., Crispim, L., 2022. Cadomian/Pan-African consolidation of the Iberian Massif assessed by its detrital and inherited zircon populations: is the ~610 Ma age peak a persistent Cadomian magmatic inheritance or the key to unravel its Pan-African basement? Geological Acta, 20.15, 1-29.

Lains Amaral, J.L., Solá, A.R., Bento dos Santos, T.M., Chichorro, M., 2022. Detrital zircon similarities and dissimilarities between the Iberian Pyrite Belt, Ossa-Morena Zone and Meguma. Geologica Acta, 20.16, 1-19, I-VIII.

Padel, M., Clausen, S., Poujol, M., Álvaro, J.J., 2022. Shifts in the Ediacaran to Lower Ordovician sedimentary zircon provenances of Northwest Gondwana: the Pyrenean files. Geologica Acta, 20.14, 1-18, I-VIII.

Pujol-Solá, N., Casas, J.M., Proenza, J.A., Blanco-Quintero, I. F., Druguet, E., Liesa, M., Román-Alpiste, M.J., Álvaro, J.J., 2022. Cadomian metabasites of the Eastern Pyrenees revisited. Geologica Acta, 20.13, 1-26, I-IV






The panafrican and cadomian orogenies in North Africa and western Europe

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