Was the Portuguese Forest Policy a contribution towards economic modernization? The case of the Paper Pulp Industry during the Estado Novo (1930-1974)
Forest Policy, Paper Pulp Industry, Estado Novo (New Satate), Modern Economic Growth, PortugalAbstract
In the period foliowing the Second World War, Portugal witnessed a take-off in modern eco nomic growth. The paper puip industry was one of a group of new indusfries that underpinned the process of industrial modemization.The productive process of this industry relies on a forest-based renewable raw material: wood. This paper aims to demonstrate that the Ibresi nilicies of the / Noto (New iaiel coniributed to the deve of the paper pulp industry through tbe expansion of the forested area in Portugal.
It will be shown that the expansion of the forested area occupied by a fast-growing species Eu calyptus as well as that occupied by a species already present in Portuguese forests Pinuspinaster was fundamental for the development of the paper pulp industry. Furthermore, a change in the com position of Portuguese forests enabled the pulp indusiry fo respond to a national and international market featuring growing demand. As such, the Portuguese forest showed a positive response tú this demand for a raw material from a new sector iii Portugal’s industrial structure, and, in doing so, did not hinder economic gruwtk
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