The Aircraft Manufacturer Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA (CASA), 1939-1972: Resilience and Adaptation to Spain’s Defense Policy and International Relations
resilience, adaptation, aircraft industry, Franco regimeAbstract
This article aims to explain the resilience of the aircraft manufacturer Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA (CASA) after the Spanish Civil War and how the company adapted to the autarky policy and interventionism of the early Franco regime and, subsequently, to Spain’s economic, technological, and military dependence on the United States. It argues that CASA’s adaptation strategy had the effect of reducing the company’s capacity and expertise, thus conditioning its development starting in the mid-1960s. In order to do so, it retraces the company’s evolution and specialization from the 1940s until its late incorporation into European projects, around 1970, and discusses the political and institutional factors that explain this trajectory.
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