Internationalising Spanish Firms to the East: Business Strategies of the National Institute of Industry towards the Soviet Union (late 1950s to 1991)




SEOs internationalisation, strategic business, National Institute of Industry, Spanish-Soviet relations


This article examines the internationalisation of Spanish firms, promoted by the National Institute of Industry (Instituto Nacional de Industria – INI), towards the Soviet Union market within the context of the Cold War and East-West economic collaboration. Based on a business history methodology and the primary sources of the INI, this paper argues the following. First, the National Institute of Industry’s approach to the Soviet Union was dictated by national strategic interests, such as industrial policy goals, resource-seeking, technology-seeking investment, and profit-seeking attitudes. Second, the INI’s approach to the Soviet Union was dictated by political purposes, such as establishing or maintaining relations with Spain and the Soviet Union. Third, before the restoration of diplomatic ties in 1977, the “stateness” of INI was considered a disadvantage. Finally, after restoring diplomatic relations, the “stateness” of the INI was deemed an advantage.


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How to Cite

Yanyshev-Nesterova, Irina. 2024. “Internationalising Spanish Firms to the East: Business Strategies of the National Institute of Industry towards the Soviet Union (late 1950s to 1991)”. Revista De Historia Industrial — Industrial History Review 33 (91):69-104.


