Multinacionals xineses guanyant preponderància mundial



Paraules clau:

multinacionals xineses, internacionaltizació, fusions i adquisicions, inversions noves, inversió estrangera directa, negoci global, innovació


Les empreses xineses s'han convertit en actors clau de l'economia global. El seu ascens és un tret definitori des del tombant de segle. En aquest article, analitzem l'ascens de les empreses xineses en els negocis globals, els factors que expliquen la seva aparició i com han alterat el panorama competitiu mundial. Mitjançant l'estudi empíric de grans mostres d'empreses i l'ajuda de bases de dades com Capital IQ, FdI Markets i SDC Platinum, el document examina el creixement dels ingressos i l'expansió global de les empreses xineses, destacant, entre d'altres, les tendències en la distribució geogràfica i sectorial i els modes de penetració en els mercats exteriors. El document també presta especial atenció a l'augment de les empreses xineses com a innovadores globals i inclou diversos estudis de casos en indústries clau. El document conclou que, si bé l'expansió global de les empreses xineses es va beneficiar d'un entorn global favorable, les guerres comercials i les tensions geopolítiques actuals poden suposar més dificultats.


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Biografies de l'autor/a

Lourdes Casanova, Cornell University

Lourdes Casanova Gail and Rob Cañizares Director Emerging Markets Institute, Senior Lecturer Cornell S.C. Johnson College of Business, Cornell University since 2012. Formerly at INSEAD for 23 years. Named one of 50 most influential Iberoamerican intellectuals, one of 30 most influential Iberoamerican women intellectuals by Esglobal. 2024 honorary professor Amity University Dubai. Fulbright Scholar, Masters University of Southern California, PhD University of Barcelona.

Co-editor with F. Cahen A. Miroux: From copycats to Leaders: Innovation from Emerging Markets. Cambridge University Press. with A. Miroux: The Era of Chinese Multinationals. Academic Press. Elsevier 2019. Emerging Market Multinationals Report 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016. Co-author with P. Cornelius, S. Dutta: Entrepreneurship and the Finance of Innovation in Emerging Markets. Academic Press. Elsevier. With J. Kassum: The Political Economy of an Emerging Global Power: In search of the Brazilian Dream, Palgrave Macmillan 2014, author Global Latinas: Latin America’s emerging multinationals Palgrave Macmillan 2009. Former member Global Agenda Council, Competitiveness in Latin America World Economic Forum, B20 Task Force in G20 summit, Los Cabos (2012). Board member Boyce Tompson Institute. Co-founder Ithaca Hub of Global Shapers. Op-ed writer Latin Trade, Agenda Publica contributor to CNN en español, El País and Voice of America.

Anne Miroux, Cornell University

Anne Miroux is a Faculty Fellow at the Emerging Markets Institute, Johnson School of Management at Cornell University. She has over 30 years of experience in international trade and finance. She began her career in the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations in New-York, and later joined the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) where she specialized on developing country debt, foreign direct investment, transnational corporations, and technology and innovation policies. Until late 2015, she was the Director of the Division on Technology and Logistics in UNCTAD, and Head of the Secretariat of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD).

For several years, Anne Miroux directed the World Investment Reports (WIR), the United Nations flagship report on FDI and transnational corporations and served as the Editor of the UN Transnational Corporations Journal. She is the co-author, with L.Casanova, of the Emerging Market Multinationals Report 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016, and of The Era of Chinese Multinationals, Academic Press, Elsevier 2019, and co-editor with F. Cahen and L. Casanova of From copycats to Leaders: Innovation from Emerging Markets. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-108-48686-6. 2021

Anne Miroux is a member of the Advisory Board of the Technology and Management Center of the Department of International Development at Oxford University. She is also senior editor of the Transnational Corporations Review.

Anne Miroux has an MBA from HEC, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, and graduated from IEP (Institut d'Etudes Politiques – _Paris). She holds a PHD in Economics from University of Paris I - Sorbonne.



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Com citar

Casanova, Lourdes, and Anne Miroux. 2024. “Multinacionals Xineses Guanyant preponderància Mundial”. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 9 (2):6-34.