Chinese Companies and Foreign Direct Investment in Brazil between 2000 and 2018


  • Armando João Dalla Costa Federal University of Paraná
  • Li Yu Fang Yi Federal University of Parana
  • Adalto Acir Althaus Junior Federal University of Paraná


Paraules clau:

Chinese companies, Foreign Direct Investment, Raw Material, Market Search.


The article aims to understand the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the presence of Chinese multinationals in Brazil. To achieve its purpose, the text retrieves theoretical elements about FDI and the theories that explain the process of internationalization of companies, in order to explain the growing presence of Chinese multinationals in the country. We used data from official sources, such as the Central Bank of Brazil (CBB), UNCTAD and the Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM), and from unofficial sources, such as the American Business Institute (ABI) and the Brazil China Business Council. We present some case studies of multinationals such as Sinopec (petroleum sector), Didi Chuxing (Technology/ Startup), State Grid (Electric Power) and Chery Automobile (Auto Industry), with intent to show the modus operandi of companies from different economic sectors. To analyze these companies, we used data from their websites and other information available online. As a preliminary conclusion, it can be stated that Chinese FDI in Brazil increased significantly during the 21st century, when compared to the total direct investment from other countries. The Chinese multinationals in Brazil focus their interests in search for raw materials and sale of products with greater added value.


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Biografies de l'autor/a

Armando João Dalla Costa, Federal University of Paraná

Economics Department

Li Yu Fang Yi, Federal University of Parana

Economics Department

Adalto Acir Althaus Junior, Federal University of Paraná

Economics Department


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Com citar

Dalla Costa, Armando João, Li Yu Fang Yi, and Adalto Acir Althaus Junior. 2019. “Chinese Companies and Foreign Direct Investment in Brazil Between 2000 and 2018”. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 4 (2):68-107.