Evolutionary Studies in Business: A Presentation of a New Journal


  • Paloma Fernández Pérez Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
  • Jaume Valls Pasola Universitat de Barcelona (UB)




Evolutionary Perspectives, Management Challenges, Entrepreneurship, Science and Business, Creative Industries, International Business, Business History, Latin American Businesses, Online Resources for Business


The Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business is a new open access journal led by an international interdisciplinary team of scholars located in eight institutions from three continents who wants to attract contributions that help shed light on the new questions, challenges, methodologies and realities, faced by businesses in an evolutionary perspective. The journal calls particularly for review essays that deal with new research topics about business, and provide useful overviews of the key ideas, scholars, and debates about important research topics concerning business and its environment. The strategic areas of interest for submissions from authors are: Management Challenges, Entrepreneurship, Science and Business, Creative Industries, International Business, Business History, and Latin American Businesses. JESB will also publish articles about relevant online resources that contain information of interest to academic scholars and business practitioners.


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Mintzberg, Henry. 2015. Rebalancing socxiety. Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right, and Center. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publ.

Mowery, David C. and Richard Nelson. 1999. The Sources of Industrial Leadership. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Murmann, Johann Peter. 2015. “Deepening the conversation between business history and evolutionary econòmics.” Business History 57(5):705-715.

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Nelson, Richard and Sidney Winter. 1982. An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change. Cambridge, MA: The Belknapp Press of Harvard University Press.

Quinn, Jim. 2015. “Editorial: re-introducing evolutionary theory to business history: making sense of today´s structures.” Business History 57(5):655-663.

Segrestin, Blanche; Levillain, Kevin; Vernac, Stephane and Armand, Hatchuel. 2015. La “Société à Objet Social Étendu”. Collection Economie et Gestion 15. Paris: Presses des Mines.




How to Cite

Fernández Pérez, Paloma, 和 Jaume Valls Pasola. 2016. 《Evolutionary Studies in Business: A Presentation of a New Journal》. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 1 (1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1344/jesb2016.1.j001.

