Evolution: rationalism versus creationism
https://doi.org/10.1344/rbd2015.Extra.14717Paraules clau:
evolution, creationism, religionsResum
The actual neo-Darwinian concepts of human evolution conceive this evolution as a bush, unpredictable and at random. At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the biologists conceived evolution as a linear process oriented to progress, even if Darwin already presented evolution as a bush. It is this point of view, of a process in one dimension, that some Catholics, for instance, still see human evolution. One accepts with more difficulty that human evolution constitutes, as for all animal species, a bush where numerous abortive branches are present. The evolution does not correspond to any creator myths of the different religions: these myths are parts of the memes, from which the "reproductive success" is regularly decreasing, they keep only some allegoric value.
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