Knowledge of statistics that should have someone interested in bioethics, member of a committee of scientific research


  • Salvador Quintana Universitat de Barcelona (UB)



Bioethics, biostatistics, research methodology, research ethics committee


A research ethics committee must have a number of members covering all aspects related to its functions. Although not specifically mentioned in the legislation, it seems essential that at least one is an expert in biostatistics and research methodology, in order to better defend the interests of research subjects. This paper presents reflections on various situations that are likely to require an analysis that would allow a better understanding of some of the details of the project that has to evaluate the committee, in order to avoid shortages of methodological type, which could have repercussions of ethical type.

Author Biography

Salvador Quintana, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Miembro del Comité Ético de Investigación Clínica (CEIC) y del Comité de Ética Asistencial (CEA), Hospital Universitari Mútua de Terrassa, Universitat de Barcelona, España.

How to Cite

Quintana, S. (2016). Knowledge of statistics that should have someone interested in bioethics, member of a committee of scientific research. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (37), 37–50.



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