Case law parameters in international surrogacy. European Court of Human Rights guidelines and their impact on the global context


  • Eleonora Lamm
  • Nieve Rubaja Universidad de Buenos Aires



surrogacy, case law, ECHR, filiation/parentage, procreational will, recognition, private international law


In the global context we live, it is becoming increasingly common for people (or parents-to-be) to travel abroad in order to access surrogacy despite the difficulties this may entail. In this paper the main problems arising from international surrogacy are analyzed. For this purpose, this article examines the guidelines developed from the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights and their impact on different States, the effects of the biological factor on these cases and the Argentinean situation.

Author Biographies

Eleonora Lamm

Doctora en Derecho con línea de investigación en bioética, UB. Directora de la carrera de Bioética y Bioderecho, Universidad de Mendoza.

Nieve Rubaja, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Abogada, especialista en Derecho de Familia. Profesora de Derecho Internacional Privado de la Familia, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

How to Cite

Lamm, E., & Rubaja, N. (2016). Case law parameters in international surrogacy. European Court of Human Rights guidelines and their impact on the global context. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (37), 149–170.



Bioethics in the Courts