Measures of judicial modification of capacity in people with severe mental disorder: Safety or iatrogenic?


  • Natalia Bretón Diez Cangas del Narcea
  • Ana Isabel González López
  • María Fernández Rodríguez Hospital San Agustín de Avilés
  • Patricia Guerra Mora Hospital San Agustín de Avilés



incapacitation, judicial modification of the capacity, system of supports, guardianship, curatorship disability, severe mental disorder


Introduction and aim. The aim of the study is to analyze and to reflect on if the directives of the International Convention of United Nations on the Rights of the persons with Disability are fulfilled on the type of measure of protection adopted with the users of the Assertive Community Treatment Equipment from Avilés, España.

Material and Method. 26 users take part who were submitted to judicial capacity modification procedures from the opening of the centre until 2014.

Results. In the sample there are not fulfilled the conditions of lack of self-government in the different spheres.

Conclusions. Very restrictive measures of protection are implemented against other minor gravity measures, which supposes a discrimination and a loss of autonomy and rights for the person. Contributions that could optimize the quality of life are included.

Author Biographies

Natalia Bretón Diez, Cangas del Narcea

Psiquiatra. CSM Cangas del Narcea (Área sanitaria II).

Ana Isabel González López

Médico, F.E.A Psiquiatra. Área de salud mental IV. Asturias.

María Fernández Rodríguez, Hospital San Agustín de Avilés

Psicóloga clínica. CSM-I La Magdalena, Hospital San Agustín de Avilés. (Área Sanitaria III).

Patricia Guerra Mora, Hospital San Agustín de Avilés

Psicóloga Interna Residente en Hospital San Agustín de Avilés. (Área Sanitaria III).

How to Cite

Bretón Diez, N., González López, A. I., Fernández Rodríguez, M., & Guerra Mora, P. (2017). Measures of judicial modification of capacity in people with severe mental disorder: Safety or iatrogenic?. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (39), 73–86.



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