A brazilian sentence with gender perspective


  • Aída Kemelmajer de Carlucci




abortion, Human Rights, reproductive justice, equality, gender


This article analyzes the dissenting opinion of Luis Roberto Barroso, judge of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil, on the Habeas Corpus 124.306 of Courtroom I of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil (29/11/2016). Barroso argues that penalizing the voluntary end of pregnancy, consented by the woman and practiced during the first three months of pregnancy, violates fundamental rights established by Brazilian Constitution and International Conventions of Human Rights. The paper maintained that this penalization not only harms the litigant, but also deepens the discredit of the justice system.

Author Biography

Aída Kemelmajer de Carlucci

Antigua Magistrada de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Mendoza. Catedrática de Derecho Civil de la Universidad de Cuyo, Argentina.

How to Cite

Kemelmajer de Carlucci, A. (2017). A brazilian sentence with gender perspective. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (39), 153–177. https://doi.org/10.1344/rbd2017.39.17720



Bioethics in the Courts