Emergent Problems in Italy in the Matter of Assisted Reproductive Technology


  • Carla Faralli Doctora en Derecho. Catedrática de Filosofía del Derecho, directora del Centro Interdepartamental de Investigación en Historia del Derecho, Filosofía y Sociología del Derecho e Informática Jurídica (CIRSFID) de la Universitá di Bologna. Presidenta de la Sociedad Internacional de Filosofía del Derecho.




assisted reproductive technology, surrogacy, law 40/2004, right to health, right to procreative freedom


Assisted reproductive technology (ART) in Italy is regulated under Law 40/2004, which over the last ten years has become the object of various court rulings that have reshaped it to such an extent as to make it an example of judicial rewriting of a statutory text. There still remain several open questions that make it necessary to rethink our model of the family and of parenting and the existence of a right to procreative freedom. Different currents in feminism have responded in a variety of ways to the advent of ART, on the one hand finding that these new technologies broaden the rights of women, while on the other arguing that they bring in new forms of subjugation and exploitation.



How to Cite

Faralli, C. (2018). Emergent Problems in Italy in the Matter of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (42), 127–141. https://doi.org/10.1344/rbd2018.1.20001