The Impossible Burger. The food revolution in the EU


  • Nuria Rey Huerga



biotechnology, meat, hamburger, heme, replacement innovations, global food system


The difficult situation that the planet goes through due to the current agrifood model, among others, has caused the food system becomes one of the great challenges of the 21st century and nowadays, in a new economic opportunity. Companies like Impossible Foods lead a food technological revolution. Its first product, the Impossible Burger, already marketed in the United States, is the subject of this thesis. This "Burger of plants" aims to replace conventional beef burger, providing an identical or enhanced sensory experience. But its star ingredient, heme, which marks the difference with the rest of vegetarian burgers, is the key element which will determine the commercial prospects of this product in Europe.



How to Cite

Rey Huerga, N. (2018). The Impossible Burger. The food revolution in the EU. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (42), 197–234.