Dialogue and multistakeholder Governance at the University. On Ethics and Social Responsibility


  • Isabel Vidal Universidad de Barcelona




sustainable development, university social responsibility, dialogue with stakeholders, multistakeholder governance, social impact


This article is a call for greater engagement by universities in the community at large. The article examines the concepts of sustainable development and social responsibility and defines University Social Responsibility (USR) as a university’s impact on society. A distinction is made between dialogue with stakeholders and multistakeholder governance.

Author Biography

Isabel Vidal, Universidad de Barcelona

Catedrática de Escuela Universitária (CEU)

Profesora Departamento Economía 


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How to Cite

Vidal, I. (2019). Dialogue and multistakeholder Governance at the University. On Ethics and Social Responsibility. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (45), 179–196. https://doi.org/10.1344/rbd2019.0.22550