Older people as a particularly vulnerable collective within the field of consumption





older people, consumer, collective deserving special protection, vulnerability, unfair advantage


Shall we consider older people as a collective deserving special protection? That is the starting point for the subject of the present study. The difficulty to establish the age barriers, linked to the fact that the age cannot be considered the unique and exclusive criteria of vulnerability, give us rise to reconsider the writing of the art. 111-2 c) of the Consumer Catalan Code.

Author Biography

Mariló Gramunt Fombuena, Universitat de Barcelona

Profesora titular de Derecho civil, Instituto Transjus, Universidad de Barcelona.



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How to Cite

Gramunt Fombuena, M. (2019). Older people as a particularly vulnerable collective within the field of consumption. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (45), 149–161. https://doi.org/10.1344/rbd2019.0.27265