Ethical issues related to gen editing using CRISPR-Cas9 technology


  • Andrea Mariel Actis Facultad de Medicina - Universidad de Buenos Aires



CRISPR/Cas9, Bioética, Eugenesia, Misión a Marte, Big Data, Mejora Humana, Edición genética


Immersed already in the 4th industrial revolution, clearly the digital age has invaded our lives. People tend to celebrate every technological and scientific advance without thinking properly about the possible undesired side effects or unexpected consequences. One of the most outstanding achievements of the last years has been the CRISPR/Cas9 technique. It seems to be the magic wand to solve whatever. In this article I propose to think critically about the ethical issues related to this incredible technique. I will focus this work on 3 ethical aspects of gene editing: 1. The link between gene editing and the old concept of eugenics; 2. Aspects related to the idea of modifying human genetics in order to conquer other planets and 3. The ethical implications of uploading all these data to the web. Finally, I suggest focusing on interdisciplinary ethical discussion, the dialogue between professionals, institutions and government which must ensure the protection of the autonomy of patients and the safeguarding of their rights. To conclude, the suggestion of considering the role of Universities in ethical education of the future professionals with a practical rather than a theoretical approach is considered, with special attention to the integration of cybernetics in medicine.  

Author Biography

Andrea Mariel Actis, Facultad de Medicina - Universidad de Buenos Aires

Bioquímica y Farmacéutica doctorada de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Docente Autorizada de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Diplomada en Bioética (FLACSO). Postgrado en Evaluación de Tecnología Sanitaria (IECS). Postgrado en Evaluación Universitaria (UBA). Postgrado en CiberEtica (Globethics Academy)




How to Cite

Actis, A. M. (2021). Ethical issues related to gen editing using CRISPR-Cas9 technology. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (53), 203–214.



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