Ethical regulation of digital health applications in the COVID-19 pandemic




Since the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries have developed digital health applications to assist prevention and population care policies. But they use personal and sensitive data and may rely on inadequate infrastructure for data storage, safeguarding and protection. We present ten criteria that digital health applications must meet to guarantee the protection of the right to privacy, freedom, equality and confidentiality of every human being. Appropriate forms of governance must be established that involve all stakeholders in their use to ensure transparency and accountability in the processes of knowledge generation and transfer in the health sector.

Author Biography

Timothy Daly, U. Sorbona

Sorbonne Université, Science Norms Democracy UMR 8011, Paris, France. Programa de Bioética, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Buenos Aires, Argentina.



How to Cite

Lascano, M. de la P., & Daly, T. . (2023). Ethical regulation of digital health applications in the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (57), 181–191.