Surrogate motherhood in Mexico and Brazil, a comparative legal study between two Latin American nations
Surrogate motherhood, surrogacy, surrogate, temporary uterus donor, Mexico, BrazilAbstract
A study on the subject of surrogate motherhood or surrogacy is addressed with respect to the Mexican nation and the Brazilian nation, which as independent countries, located in different geographical points and with different languages, have in common, share the same continent, concentrate large number of population and have the presence of surrogate motherhood, where although this figure is present in other countries of the world, due to the breadth and complexity of the subject; Only a special study is taken of the two mentioned nations, with the intention of knowing the current status of this procreative figure, particularly regarding the participation of the surrogate pregnant woman in Mexico or temporary donor of the uterus as it is known in Brazil, through carrying out a comparative study that allows to understand the evolution, development and current legal mechanisms of the procreative figure in question, with the purpose of offering an improvement proposal to the Mexican legislation in the process of construction. A qualitative legal study is carried out, where the deductive and inductive, dogmatic and exegetical method is applied; the study is pertinent, current and of general interest at the national and international level.
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