Privacy and data confidentiality of older people in the face of health monitoring technologies




information technology, mobile health, elderly population, privacy, confidentiality


This article discusses the advances and challenges of health monitoring technologies for elderly individuals and their implications on the privacy and confidentiality of collected data. It is an exploratory study grounded in the literature, with a narrative synthesis. The text contextualizes the demands arising from the aging population and the use of sensors and other electronic devices in monitoring daily activities of elderly people in both indoor and outdoor environments. It is important to emphasize that the benefits offered by these technologies should not compromise the privacy and confidentiality of the data. To ensure this, it is necessary to enhance regulatory mechanisms by establishing security standards and ethical principles for the protection of personal data, while respecting privacy and data confidentiality.

Author Biographies

Silvi Barberato-Filho, University of Sorocaba



Alan Martinez Kozyreff, Universidade de Sorocaba




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How to Cite

Barberato-Filho, S., & Martinez Kozyreff, A. . (2024). Privacy and data confidentiality of older people in the face of health monitoring technologies. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (60), 53–74.



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