Reproductive movements of people, biomaterials, technologies and knowledge: know, reflect, debate



population control, eugenics, reproductive mobility, oocyte donation, reproductive donors


In this text we reflect on several aspects of assisted human reproduction techniques (AHRT) that we consider to be pending a profound academic and social debate. Firstly, interventionist policies on the part of the state, which aim to control the population. Based on the "goodness" of certain aims, they actually disguise eugenic practices, and AHRT are a necessary way to achieve them. Secondly, we analyse certain practices in assisted reproduction clinics that may be in contradiction with the Code of Medical Ethics of the Spanish Medical Association (Organización Médica Colegial de España). Finally, transnational reproductive care highlights a number of legal and ethical dilemmas as it does not control the entire reproductive chain. There is a circulation of reproductive materials, donor women and professionals that raises concerns about the lack of legislative uniformity, traceability of samples, uncertainty regarding informed consent and health controls.


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How to Cite

Alvarez Plaza, C., & Machín, R. (2024). Reproductive movements of people, biomaterials, technologies and knowledge: know, reflect, debate. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (61), 10–31. Retrieved from