Asedio compasivo: los vericuetos del cuidar.


  • Ma. Jesús (Maria Jesús) Buxó Rey Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
  • María Casado



Vulnerability, Alzheimer, early diagnosis, autonomy, abuse, Human Rights.


Alzheimer’s is on the way to becoming one of the world’s most serious health care problems. Associated with the rising average age of the population, it is one of the diseases with the highest impact particularly on both persons affected by it, their close relatives and the health system and, in general, the whole of society. There is currently no cure for this disease and the speed of its development remains unknown although a long period of opportunity between detecting the disease and the onset of the first symptoms has been noticed. So the greatest efforts in research and discoveries have focused on detecting the disease at an early stage. This leads us to observe the existence of a major bioethical problem in this period linked to health and family care which concerns the autonomy, privacy and dignity of persons detected. Abuse can be committed at home, in care homes and hospitals, but how this is done in one place or the other differs, so additional variables to already established protocols regarding abuse in hospitals and Ethics Care Committees have to be considered, such as compassionate harassment.

Author Biographies

Ma. Jesús (Maria Jesús) Buxó Rey, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Catedrática de Antropología Cultural. Investigadora del Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho y miembro de la Cátedra UNESCO de la Universidad de Barcelona. Profesora del Master en Bioética y Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona.

María Casado

Catedrática de Universidad. Directora del Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho y titular de la Cátedra UNESCO de Bioética de la Universidad de Barcelona. Creadora y directora del Máster en Bioética y Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona.

How to Cite

Buxó Rey, M. J. (Maria J., & Casado, M. (2013). Asedio compasivo: los vericuetos del cuidar. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (28), 4–19.



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