Infertility in Latin America. Looking for a new model.


  • Florencia Luna CONICET/FLACSO.



Assisted reproduction, secondary infertility, public health, Latin-American, feminism.


In this article I consider the situation of infertility in Latin America and argue infertility should be considered a public health issue. However, I contest the copy of the private model of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to the public health arena. I argue instead that we should rethink the implementation procedure and stand for a holistic and inclusive proposal. My aim is to consider secondary infertility due to a lack of access to sexual health as well as the consequence of unsafe and illegal abortions whose prevalence is much higher than in Europe or the USA. This implies looking to infertility as part of our sexual and reproductive life. Thus beginning with prevention and care at adolescence where pregnancies might not be desired and continuing through all the reproductive life of the woman until the time when pregnancy and building a family might be the aim. I also bring in a political analysis of the situation and ask why there is such a reluctance to endorse ART by feminists and progressive positions in Latin America.

How to Cite

Luna, F. (2013). Infertility in Latin America. Looking for a new model. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (28), 33–47.



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