A bibliographic approach to the problem of evil in nature


  • Daniel Dorado Alfaro




bibliografía, consideración moral, especismo, ética ambiental


Over the past few years, a large number of academics have begun to address the “problem of evil in nature”, or the “new problem of evil”; that is, the problem of the suffering and other damages that animals in ecosystems endure. The disvalue that animals suffer in their natural habitats opens the door to axiological and normative questions. A special issue of the magazine Ágora: papeles de filosofía is devoted to this topic. Key words: bibliography, moral consideration, speciesism, environmental ethics.

Author Biography

Daniel Dorado Alfaro

Licenciado en Derecho (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos). Master en Investigación en Documentación (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid).

How to Cite

Dorado Alfaro, D. (2012). A bibliographic approach to the problem of evil in nature. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (26), 55–59. https://doi.org/10.1344/rbd2012.26.7531



Animal Bioethics