L a f r á g i l r i g i d e z d e l a l e y i t a l i a n a d e r e p r o d u c c i ó n a s i s t i d a c o n t r a l a r í g i d a f l e x i b i l i dad del modelo e s pañ o l : c o n t e n i d o v s . p r o c e d i m i e nt o


  • Simone Penasa




Reproducción Humana Asistida, Derecho Constitucional Comparado, Células Madre, Derechos Fundamentales


Research with stem cell is linked with the assisted reproduction
techniques regulation with regard to obtaining stem
cells line derived from embryos. The paper aims to analyse
–in a comparative perspective– the Italian (Law 40/2004)
and the Spanish (Law 14/2006) regulation of the assisted
reproduction, with regard to the admitted utilization of the
“non-transferred” embryos. The stem cells derivation from
the embryos represents both a fundamental means for scientific
development in the biomedical field and a ethically
and legally critical issue which has to be regulated by the
law. The regulations represent different regulative systems,
which will be analysed in terms of effectiveness and legal
reasonableness, in order to show a legal paradox: A legislative
system based on a (procedurally strict) flexibility is
more efficient than a system based on an absolute (even if
fragile) body of prohibitions.

How to Cite

Penasa, S. (2010). L a f r á g i l r i g i d e z d e l a l e y i t a l i a n a d e r e p r o d u c c i ó n a s i s t i d a c o n t r a l a r í g i d a f l e x i b i l i dad del modelo e s pañ o l : c o n t e n i d o v s . p r o c e d i m i e nt o. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (18), 17–25. https://doi.org/10.1344/rbd2010.18.7982



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