Legal problems of incident reporting systems. What is the opinion of health professionals?


  • Blanca Obón Azuara Hospital Clínico Universitario de Zaragoza
  • Isabel Gutiérrez Cía Hospital Clínico Universitario de Zaragoza



reporting systems, patient safety, survey, legislation


Objective: To study the perception that health professionals have on legal problems of incident reporting systems (IRS).

Method: cross-sectional study in Aragon, we use a survey created for this purpose.

Results: 123 profesionals answer the survey; 47.2% believed that the patient has the right to be informed about the safety of the National Health System. 76.4% believed the patient has the right to receive information about their adverse events. 77% agreed about investigating the incidents, even when this research could imply a legal sanction. 67.4% believed that notification could have legal consequences; 50% did not know if the Law provides protection the deponent; 63% thougth the information registered in the IRS can be used in a lawsuit, 42.4% believed that such systems could be some way of delation.

Conclusions: Health professionals believe that IRS are useful, though they could be a source of legal problems. Health professionals do not know the legal problems of IRS.

Author Biographies

Blanca Obón Azuara, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Zaragoza

Doctora en Medicina. Especialista en Medicina Intensiva. Servicio de Medicina Preventiva. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Zaragoza.

Isabel Gutiérrez Cía, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Zaragoza

Doctora en Medicina. Especialista en Medicina Intensiva. Servicio de Medicina Intensiva. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Zaragoza.

How to Cite

Obón Azuara, B., & Gutiérrez Cía, I. (2013). Legal problems of incident reporting systems. What is the opinion of health professionals?. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (29), 122–135.



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