The non-extensive application of the functions of National Stem Cell Bank embryonic and adult cell lines when it comes to iPS. An interpretation in the light of article 3 of the Civil Code


  • Cecilia Gómez-Salvago Sánchez Universidad de Sevilla



interpretación of legal norms, article 3 of Spanish Civil Code, biomedical research, functions of National Stem Cell Bank, iPS cells


The National Stem Cell Bank aims to deposit embryonic and adult human stem cell lines for biomedical research. Hermeneutical arguments suggest that does not fit the broad interpretation of its scope to IPS cell lines, which are sufficiently regulated and subject to the general regime of storage and transfer of Biobanks research. Also, there are no reasons for subjecting them to the mandatory report of the Commission of Guarantees for each research project applying his transfers for biomedical research.

Author Biography

Cecilia Gómez-Salvago Sánchez, Universidad de Sevilla

Catedrática de Derecho Civil. Universidad de Sevilla



How to Cite

Gómez-Salvago Sánchez, C. (2014). The non-extensive application of the functions of National Stem Cell Bank embryonic and adult cell lines when it comes to iPS. An interpretation in the light of article 3 of the Civil Code. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (30), 3–20.



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