Paper infrastructures: new instruments of financialization of space




neoliberalismo, financiarización, infraestructura, obligaciones, financiación estatal


On the threshold of the new century, with the intensification of financial dominance over the capitalist system and an expansion of the search for new spaces of accumulation, we witness the resumption of the international debate on the pattern of financing infrastructure. This article explores a set of empirical data on new mechanisms for private financing of infrastructure in Brazil, with an emphasis on the post-2011 period, due to the more expressive dissemination of new products, such as the infrastructure debentures. The first objective is to explore the process of building the hegemonic narrative of neoliberalization of the State for the provision of infrastructure, rooted in a binary vision between the public and the private. The second objective is related to the results of our empirical research, from which we discussed the really existing neoliberalism, which points to an emerging financing pattern marked by hybridism between the public and private spheres.

Author Biographies

Laisa Eleonora Marostica Stroher, São Paulo University (Universidade de São Paulo - USP)

She is a professor at Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at São Paulo University (Universidade de São Paulo - USP). She is an architect and urban planner, Ph.D. in territorial planning (Federal University of ABC region - UFABC), including a period as a Visiting Scholar in the KU Leuven University (Belgium). She is a researcher associated with the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Studies and Projects of UFABC, with experience in collective research projects and with publications in national and international peer-reviewed periodic. She has experience as a teacher on urban planning and economic topics and as a consultant in urban and social housing planning.

Marlon Altavini de Abreu, Federal University of ABC Region (Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC)

He has a degree in Geography from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio Mesquita Filho, at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Presidente Prudente, a Master's and a Doctorate from the Postgraduate Program in Geography at FCT-UNESP, addressing the theme of comparative market analysis real estate and land tenure in medium-sized cities and financialization of housing. He is currently carrying out a Post-Doctorate at the Center for Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Sciences (CECS) of the Federal University of ABC Region (UFABC) under the theme of financialization of housing and urban areas in Brazil.

Alexandre Yassu, Federal University of ABC Region (Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC)

He is a PhD candidate in territorial planning and management at at Federal University of ABC region (UFABC), researcher at the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Studies and Projects (LePur) at UFABC and the Group Space, Production and Urban Policy at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo (FAU USP). Architect and Urban Planner graduated from FAU USP, he has a master's degree in Urban and Regional Planning from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IPPUR/UFRJ).

Jeroen Johannes Klink, Federal University of ABC Region (Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC)

Jeroen Klink has a Bachelor and Masters degree in economics (Tilburg University, the Netherlands) and a PhD in urban planning (University of São Paulo, Brazil). Over the last twenty-five years, he has been active as a consultant and researcher in countries such as the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Germany, India, South Africa and Brazil. In Brazil, he has worked for nine years in local government, among others as a secretary for development and regional planning in the city of Santo André (Metropolitan São Paulo) and as a Member of the Board of a Regional Development Agency in the industrial heartland of metropolitan São Paulo. Nowadays he is working in the Federal University of the ABC region (UFABC), whre he is coordinator of the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Studies and Projects of UFABC.

Luis Felipe Cunha, Federal University of ABC Region (Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC)

He is an economist, is doing a master degree in territorial planning and management at at Federal University of ABC region (UFABC), and is a researcher at the Laboratory of Urban and Regional Studies and Projects (LePur) at UFABC.


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