Prison memory at the service of the Shining Path's new politics without arms (2000-2020)
Memory, Shining Path, Politics, Prisons, Subver-sionAbstract
In 1993, Abimael Guzmán, the leader of the subversive organization Sendero Luminoso [Shining Path], gave up an armed struggle that, after going on for over a decade, had caused thousands of casualties. From then on, a 4th stage would set in, namely, that of “unarmed political struggle”. Our goal here is to analyze the memories of former Sendero Luminoso members in this fourth stage by focusing on the organizations they presently belong to and which still share the principles of Gonzalo’s thought. As for the problem under research, we shall try to solve the riddle of how two supposedly opposed memories (literal one and exemplary one) can both make their way into the actors’ recalling of those times in their search of a narrative thread capable of linking the abuses experienced in prison during the Domestic Armed Conflict and the present situations of former Sendero Luminoso convicts. The final aim is to position the studied memories among the several conflicting memories nowadays present in Peru. To carry out our study, we shall use qualitative analysis of our interviews to five ex members of Sendero Luminoso.References
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