PLEs from virtual ethnography to social web


  • Luis Torres Barcelone Tech, School of Engineers UPC
  • Jordi Ojeda Barcelona Tech, Shcool of Engineers UPC
  • Josep Monguet Barcelona Tech, Shcool of Engineers UPC
  • Hugo Gonzalez Barcelona Tech, Shcool of Engineers UPC



Anthropology, virtual ethnography, web 2.0, PLEs


This article presents an exploratory research based on the virtual ethnography from an environment of research and learning including new technologies. The ethnography is a method of qualitative research of social sciences that is mainly used in the socio-cultural Anthropology, where it has its theoretical basis. The target was to explore the web 2.0 and its tools. The process of participant observation is by means of a blog, other tools and virtual communities. The result is a descriptive model of the web 2.0 based on a Personal Learning Environment which developed in the ethnographic experience.

