PLEs from virtual ethnography to social web


  • Luis Torres Barcelone Tech, School of Engineers UPC
  • Jordi Ojeda Barcelona Tech, Shcool of Engineers UPC
  • Josep Monguet Barcelona Tech, Shcool of Engineers UPC
  • Hugo Gonzalez Barcelona Tech, Shcool of Engineers UPC


Paraules clau:

Anthropology, virtual ethnography, web 2.0, PLEs


This article presents an exploratory research based on the virtual ethnography from an environment of research and learning including new technologies. The ethnography is a method of qualitative research of social sciences that is mainly used in the socio-cultural Anthropology, where it has its theoretical basis. The target was to explore the web 2.0 and its tools. The process of participant observation is by means of a blog, other tools and virtual communities. The result is a descriptive model of the web 2.0 based on a Personal Learning Environment which developed in the ethnographic experience.


