Initial Teacher Training and Information and Communication Technologies at University of Magallanes-Chilean Patagonia


  • Paola Beatriz Ascencio Ojeda
  • Mario Fabian Garay Aguilar
  • Estela Seguic Zeran



ICT, Pre-Service Training, Competences, Standards


The educational proposals offered in higher education must be kept always contextualized and relevant to the needs of social development and the labour market.  All this for a successful insertion into this world that approaches our students, and for which we have a responsibility from our house of studies that is attributable to our mission: "Forming human capital for the world that will be printed to us". Consequently, the world of education requires the training of professionals who are qualified to anchor and extrapolate to their educational practices, concepts that seem to be basic in the society in which we interact, where we will promptly focus on core competencies related to ICT, which have been declared by the society of the economy and the world of the Academy as key competences to be able to participate in society. In order to guide the inclusion of these competencies and its real habilitation as an exit competency for the students of pedagogy in Chile, the Ministry of Education defined more than five years ago a set of standards to be incorporated and developed throughout the pre-service training process for promoting their adoption as a regular practice in future teachers, thus formalizing their transfer and irradiation in Chilean children.  Therefore, the current investigation reviews the “ICT Competences and Standards for the teaching profession” in Chile in order to be able to compare results obtained from an evaluation searching for the generation of analogies between the proposal and the actual skills that are managed by pre-service training students in Universidad de Magallanes, with the purpose of generating later the necessary actions to balance knowledge, if it is necessary, or promote updates policies and use of knowledge in those teachers who are responsible for the installation of these competences.

Author Biography

Paola Beatriz Ascencio Ojeda

Profesora asistente de la Universidad de Magallanes. Pertence al Departamento de Educación y Vicerectoría Académica


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